With a Partner
15 Min to build to a heavy Bear Complex (1 Rep of each w/o rest)
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Back Rack Push Press
5 Min Transition
25 Min Cap
60 Cal
50 Front Rack Lunges 95/65
40 Burpee Over Bar
30 Snatch
20 Sumo DL High Pull
10 Rope Climb
20 Sumo DL High Pull
30 Burpee Over Bar
40 Front Rack Lunge
50 Cal
50 Cal or 2 Lap Run
18 Deadlift 225/155
18 TTB
15 DL 255/175
15 TTB
12 DL 315/205
12 TTB
9 DL 335/225
6 DL 365/245
50 Cal or 2 Lap
For the deadlifts, start with a weight that you could do 18 and unbroken when fresh and finish with a weight that you could do 6 when fresh but you don’t need to do them unbroken during the WOD.
RX+ add 2 Bar muscle ups each time you break or finish a set of TTB
Back Squat 4×12, try to beat last week’s 4×12
12 Min AMRAP
1 Wall Walk
3 Cleans & 1 Jerk 155/105 (A little heavier than normal but something where 6 or 9 is not too tough)
2 Wall Walk
6 Cleans & 1 Jerk
3 Wall Walk
9 Cleans & 1 Jerk
Keep adding 1 WW and 3 Clean
30 Min AMRAP
5 Pull Up
10 Push Up
15 Box Step Over w/ 50/35 or 200M Farmer Carry if weather allows
From 30-40
Establish a 2RM Push Press
45 Min Cap
100/70 Cal
100 Abmat Sit Ups
100/70 Cal
100 KB Swings 53/35
100/70 Cal
100 Abmat Sit Ups
100/70 Cal
If you don’t finish, add the remaining reps to your time.
So if you had 50 Cal left, your time would be 45:50.
If you had 100 Cal left, 46:40
If you can hold 1000 Cal/Hour you’re collecting cals for 24 min, 800 Cal is 30 min.
If you are doing 70 Cal each time 700 Cal/Hour means 24 min for the cals, 600 Cal/hr is 28 min.
Strength – “The Other Total”
30 Min (Warm up all 3 lifts before)
1 Clean
1 Bench Press
1 OverHead Squat
Add your best of each lift up and get a total.
No Conditioning in the program today but look back to Apr 3 and restest either 50 Cal Bike or 500M Ski if you really want to.
“DT” – Quarterly Test
5 Rounds
12 DL 155/105
9 Hang Clean
6 Shoulder to OverHead
Tabata Pull Ups
2 Min Break
Tabata CrossBody Knee to Elbow
(No Bench in the program today)