No Yoga this Sunday
WODS and Open Gym time — Schedule
Saturday Dec 11
With a partner
15 Min to Build to a heavy Thruster
30 Rounds (alternate each round)
1 Thruster at 80%* of your heavy weight from earlier
7 HandStand Push Ups
7 Box Jumps
*Add 5-15# starting at round 11 and another 5-15 at round 21.
Sunday Dec 12
Burpee Pull Ups
OverHead Squat 135/95
(Scale to a weight you could do 15 unbroken when fresh)
Monday Dec 13
Bigger Fast Stronger Week 3
Back Squat for load:
#1: 5 reps
#2: 4 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 2 reps
#5: 1 rep
30 reps for time of:
Snatch 135/95# (scale to a weight you can get at least 10 the 1st minute, shooting for under 5 min total)
Tuesday Dec 14
Bigger Faster Stronger Week 3
Shoulder Press for load:
#1: 5 reps
#2: 4 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 2 reps
#5: 1 rep:
10 Deadlift 115/75
10 Front Squats
10 Pull Ups
10 TTB
(barbell is a little lighter than normal, these should be all unbroken)
Wednesday Dec 15
20 hang clean & jerk 95/65
20 pull ups
20 hang snatch
20 cal
20 thrusters
20 hspu
2 Rope Climbs
3-5 rest
5-10 AMRAP (Starting over at 20 Hang Clean)
10-13 rest
13-35 Complete 2 rounds of the 20s or go until the clock hits 35
Thursday Dec 16
Bigger Faster Stronger Week 3
Deadlift for load:
#1: 5 reps
#2: 4 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 2 reps
#5: 1 rep
150 Wall Balls
Friday Dec 17
Bigger Faster Stronger Week 3
Bench Press for load:
#1: 5 reps
#2: 4 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 2 reps
#5: 1 rep
“Air Force”
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high-pulls
20 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
Start each minute (inlcuding 0:00) with 4 burpees