Jan 14-20

Sat – Jan 14
With a partner
40 Min AMRAP
60 Cal Row/Bike (RX+ Ski)
40 OHS 115/85 (Scale to a weight that each partner can do a quick 10)
240 Double Unders
40 GHD/TTB (RX+ 8 Rope Climbs)

Wall Walks (When you get to the 8 and 10, scale to 3 min of wall walks)
Deadlifts 315/205 (Scale to a weight you can do at least 4 unbroken)
Double Unders x 10 (Scale to As many as possible in 1 min for 20 and 40, 2 min for 60 and 80 and 3 min for 100)

Mon – MLK Day – Classes 6AM,7:15,Noon, 5&6PM, no 7PM.

3×5 Z Press
3×5 Yates Row


3 Rounds
63 Cal
4 Rope Climb – Sub 12 Burpee Pull Up
4 Snatch 155/105

Tues – Squat Waves Week 3 – Pushed Back a Day for MLK

All these #s are 2% higher than last week and 4% higher than week 1.
If you didn’t come last Monday, look back to Sep 19th for what you did for 5 Reps on Back Squat or
Take a guess at your 5RM Back Squat weight
Use the following % of that weight. 

Set 1: 6 Reps @ 74%
Set 2: 4 Reps @ 80%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 86%

Rest 3 Minutes 

Set 4: 6 Reps @ 80% (Same weight as Set 2)
Set 5: 4 Reps @ 86%
Set 6: 2 Reps @ 92%

Rest 3 Minutes 

Set 7: 6 Reps @ 86% (Same weight as Sets 3 and 5)
Set 8: 4 Reps @ 92% 
Set 9: 2 Reps @ 100%

Keep the rest to about 1 min between sets but after sets 3 and 6 rest 2-3 min.


15 Min AMRAP

20 KB Swings 70/53
20 KB Front Rack Lunge (1 KB, 10 R arm R Leg, 10 L arm L leg)
RX+ 1 Peg Board



36 Min AMRAP
10 Cleans 185/135
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Abmat Sit Ups
3 Min Break
Scale to a weight that doing the 10 Cleans can be done in under 2 minutes.
Scale the bodyweight exercises so that they can be performed in about 3 minutes total.


3 Position Snatch
1 Rep is (1 High Hang Snatch, 1 Hang Snatch from the Knee, 1 Snatch from the Floor w/o letting go of the bar) 

3 @ 55% 1RM (9 snatches, 3 from each position)
3 @ 65% 1RM
3 @ 70% 1RM
2 @ 75% 1RM (6 snatches, 3 from each position)
2 @ 80% 1RM
1 @ 85+% 1RM (3 snatches, 1 from each position)
Score your heaviest


12 Minute EMOM
1) 16 Box Step UP w/ DB 50/35
2) 48 Double Unders
3) 12 Burpee Over Rower
4) 16/12 Cal Row

Start at station 1 or 3 so you’ve got rower to jump over…



1000M Row
50 Thrusters 45/35
30 Pull Ups


50 Cal Bike
50 Wall Balls
15 Muscle Ups


Wendler Bench Week 3
Bench Press 5-3-1+ (1+ means if you feel like you’ve got 2-3 reps in you, go for it.  Or add a 4th or 5th set with a little more weight)


JAN 11 – 17

Saturday 30 Rounds For Time (CAP 40:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)1 Clean @155/105 (RX+ 175/115)3 Muscle Up5 Burpee Over Bar Sunday

Dec 28 – Jan 3

Saturday 20 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)5 Pull Up (RX+ CTB)5 Single DB Devil Press @50/3510 Single

DEC 21 – 27

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 36:00)w/ a partner500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Snatch @50/35500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Box Step


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!