Feb 12 – 18

WODS and Open Gym time — Schedule

Saturday Feb 12
40 Min Cap
With a partner split however you like
40 Cal
40 Burpee Pull Ups
40 Cal
40 Burpee Deadlift 315/225
40 Cal
40 Burpee Over Bar
40 Cal
40 Step Back Lunges with each leg with DBall or sandbag
40 Muscle Up
40 Cal

Sunday Feb 13

7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (28 total)
Clean and Jerk 155/105
28-24-20-16-12-8-4 (112 total)

Monday Feb 14

Wendler Week 3 – Going Heavy
Back Squat 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95%
1+ means if you are feeling like you can do 2 or 3, go for it.


27 21 15 9
Overhead Squat 95/65
Bike/Ski/Row for Cal
RX+ 2 Rope climbs after each round

Tuesday Feb 15

Wendler Week 3
Push Press 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95%
1+ means if you are feeling like you can do 2 or 3, go for it.


5 Rounds
X Hang Cleans
10 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
1 Min Break
Round 1 10@ 95/65
Round 2 8@ 135/95
Round 3 6@ 185/135
Round 4 4@ 225/155
Round 5 2@ 245/175
If you are scaling:
Keep the weight in the 1st set light. 
Make a jump to a weight you can do all 8 unbroken and use that weight for both rounds 2 and 3.
Make a big jump in weight after round 3 but consider keeping the 4th and 5th rounds the same weight.


Wednesday Feb 16

40 Min EMOM
1st Min 1 Squat Snatch 
2nd Min 1 Set of 6-12 TTB
3rd Min 1 Squat Snatch
4th Min 1 Set of 20-30 Double Unders
A lot of us have a hard time with the Squat in Squat Snatch.
Same as 2 weeks ago, we are working on the Squat part of the Squat Snatch (If you catch it high, that’s ok, do an OverHead Squat) today as the CF Open will probably have them.
Use the 1st 8-10 Snatch to build to 80-90% of your max and stick there.
On the TTB and DU minutes, pick a # and/or scaling option so that the 1st several rounds aren’t too difficult. 
Feel free to GHD instead of TTB and if you’ve thrown in the towel on double unders, go for 10 Cals on the Ski erg, or bike or 12 on a rower.

Thursday Feb 17

Wendler Week 3

Deadlift 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95%
1+ means if you are feeling like you can do 2 or 3, go for it.


:50 Sec Work :10 Sec Break/transition
3 Rounds for Max reps
Min 1 KB Swings 70/53
(If you missed Double Unders yesterday do them instead)
Min 2 Strict Pull Ups
Min 3 Rest
Min 4 Wall Ball
Min 5 Burpee
Min 6 Rest
Add up all your #s

Friday Feb 18

Wendler Week 3
Bench Press 5@75% 3@85% 1+@95%
1+ means if you are feeling like you can do 2 or 3, go for it.


“The Chief”

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
• 135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
• 6 Push-ups
• 9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.


JAN 11 – 17

Saturday 30 Rounds For Time (CAP 40:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)1 Clean @155/105 (RX+ 175/115)3 Muscle Up5 Burpee Over Bar Sunday

Dec 28 – Jan 3

Saturday 20 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)5 Pull Up (RX+ CTB)5 Single DB Devil Press @50/3510 Single

DEC 21 – 27

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 36:00)w/ a partner500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Snatch @50/35500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Box Step


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!