Saturday Feb 19
With a partner 45 Min Cap
3 Rounds
40 OHS 75/55, 95/65, 135/95 (add weight each round if you can)
Row /ski 1k 1st round, 1500m 2nd round, 2k 3rd round (Bike 2miles, 3 miles, 4 miles)
40 Pull Ups 1st round / Chest to Bar Pull Ups 2nd round / Muscle Ups 3rd round
40 Push Ups 1st round / 40 HSPU 2nd Round / 40 Wall Walks 3rd round
This is going to be pretty tough to get through the muscle ups and start the wall walks
Sunday Jan 23
15 Rounds
10 Wall Balls
6 Toes to Bar
3 Shoulder to Overhead 185/135 (Heavy but most if not all rounds should be unbroken)
Monday Jan 24
Wendler Week 4
Back Squat 3 x 5 then Push Press 3×5 (both today because the CF Open starts Friday and we are moving up Deadlifts and Bench)
This is a “deload” week.
The goal isn’t to PR today.
You can build a little bit but all 3 sets should be about 50% of your 1RM
All 5 Reps of all 3 sets should be fast and easy
2 DB OH Step Back Lunge 50/35 Switch Arms each round
(RX+ OH Squats w/ single DB)
4 DB Snatch
6 Burpee over DB
Tuesday Jan 18
Every 4 Min for 36 Min
1 Bella Complex (1 Clean, 1 Shoulder to Overhead, 1 Front Squat, 1 S2OH)
10-15 Cal
2-5 Wall Walks
Keep the Bella complex light, build up to around 70% of your 1RM Clean
Leave yourself about 90 seconds rest after each round.
Record your heaviest Bella, Cals and Wall Walks if you’d like but we’re on a deload week to be ready for the Open on Friday.
Wednesday Jan 19
Wendler Week 4
Deadlift 3 x 5
This is a “deload” week.
The goal isn’t to PR today.
You can build a little bit but all 3 sets should be about 50% of your 1RM
All 5 Reps of all 3 sets should be fast and easy
10 Min EMOM
6 KB Swings 70/53
8 Goblet Lunges
2 Min Break
10 Min EMOM
Burpee Box Jump Over
Leave yourself about 20 seconds rest between rounds
Thursday Jan 20
Wendler Week 4
Bench Press 3 x 5
This is a “deload” week.
The goal isn’t to PR today.
You can build a little bit but all 3 sets should be about 50% of your 1RM
All 5 Reps of all 3 sets should be fast and easy
If you’re doing the Open tomorrow
Spend 10 Min, doing some light snatches and Cleans
Spend 6-8 Min doing a few pull ups and a few handstand push ups
Spend 6-8 Min doing a few double unders and TTB
If you’re NOT doing the Open tomorrow
20 Min AMRAP
12 Single arm DB Thrusters
10 Cal
8 Pull Ups
Friday Jan 21
TBD CF Open 22.1