Saturday Jan 1
With a partner, alternate each round
40 Min Cap
8 Rounds
5 Hang Cleans 185/125 (use a weight you can do 1 round unbroken)
10 Burpee Over bar
8 Rounds
5 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 (Yeah, Drop Weight)
10 Single Leg Squats
8 Rounds
5 Front Squats 185/125 (Yeah, Add Weight Back)
10 Burpee Pull Ups
Sunday Jan 2
1 Class 9AM (Open 8-11)
3 Rounds
100 DUs
25 Chest to Bar Pull ups
25 DB Box Step Up
4 Power Cleans (185/135) (scale to a weight you can do 4 reps in under a minute)
5/3/1 Cycle
With a PR in the Squat of 1000#, 700# in the deadlift and 675# in the bench Jim Wendler knows a thing or 2 about lifting.
Jim is a fan of keeping things simple and often followed a template commonly referred to as
The Wendler 5/3/1
We are going to do the 5/3/1 Cycle with 4 exercises.
For each exercise, you warm up, perform 2 relatively easy “working sets” and 1 “tough set”
The %’s refer to your current 1 rep max or your best guess.
The + means, if you are feeling good, do more than indicated if you’re up for it.
We are going to follow this 4 week cycle 2x back to back.
The 2nd time, the 4th week will be a little different because the CrossFit Open starts that week
You’re getting tested on this. If you read this far, congratulations! You passed the 1st part of the test.
Use Sugarwod to help you keep track
Week #1 Training Percentages:
Set 1: 65% x 5 Set 2: 75% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 5+
Week #2 Training Percentages:
Set 1: 70% x 3 Set 2: 80% x 3 Set 3: 90% x 3+
Week #3 Training Percentages:
Set 1: 75% x 5 Set 2: 85% x 3 Set 3: 95% x 1+
Week #4 Training Percentages:
Set 1: 40% x 5 Set 2: 50% x 5 Set 3: 60% x 5
Monday Jan 3
Wendler 5/3/1 Week 1
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 Set 2: 75% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 5+
3 Rounds
1 Min Max Cals
1 Min Break
1 Min Max KB Swings 70/53
1 Min Break
1 Min Max HSPU (If you’ve got less than 5, do regular push ups)
1 Min Break
Tuesday Jan 4
Wendler 5/3/1 Week 1
Push Press
Set 1: 65% x 5 Set 2: 75% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 5+
3 Rounds
1 Min Max Thrusters 115/75
1 Min Break
1 Min Max Strict Pull Ups
1 Min Break
1 Min Max Back Rack Lunges 115/75
1 Min Break
Wednesday Jan 5
40 Min Cap
50-40-30-20-10 (Ladies do 40/32/24/16/8 Cals)
Row Cals
Single DB Hang C&J (50/35)
Box Jump/Step Up (24/20)
40 Min Cap
Row/Bike Cals
DB Hang C&J (50/35)
Box Step Up W/ DB (24/20)
5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climb
Thursday Jan 6
Wendler 5/3/1 Week 1
Set 1: 65% x 5 Set 2: 75% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 5+
6 Rounds
4 Cleans 155/105
3 Push Press
RX+ Add
2 Bar Muscle Ups
1 Rope Climb
Friday Jan 7
Wendler 5/3/1 Week 1
Bench Press
Set 1: 65% x 5 Set 2: 75% x 5 Set 3: 85% x 5+
For time:
• Row 500m
• 40 Air Squats
• 30 Sit-ups
• 20 Push-ups
• 10 Pull-ups
or Baseline +
50 Cal
40 Box Jump
30 TTB
20 Burpee
10 Muscle Up
Both of these workouts are fairly quick.
If you did all 4 of the Wendler Lifts this week, no need to do anymore.
If you missed one of the Wendler Lifts, do it after the Metcon