Repeat for 16 min
Min 1 Upper Body Pull
Min 2 Deadlifts
Min 3 Abs
Min 4 rest
Upper Body Pull
Pick 1 of these 3 options
2 muscle ups (or attempts)
5 strict pull ups
30 seconds of negative pull ups
Pick 1 of these 2 options
6 suitcase deadlift w heavy kb or db
6 sumo deadlift w barbell
Pick 1 of these 2 options
15 hollow rock to arch hold rollover
20 med ball twists
12 min AMRAP
5 front squat
3 single arm db push press L
3 single arm db push press R
Rx 165/105 50/35
Shoot for a weight you can get 5 rounds in the 1st 4 min. Try to hold on and get 5-7 rounds the last 8 min.
Repeat for 16 min
Min 1 ROW Station
Min 2 Carry Station
Min 3 Hang Station
Min 4 rest
ROW Station
3 easy pulls on rower, 3 medium pulls on rower, 3 max effort pulls on rower.
Long leg drive then finish w arms. Smooth chain. Should take about 25 seconds
Carry Station pick 1
30 seconds
Double overhead db walk
Double hand farmers carry
Hang Station pick 1
30 sec L sit bar hang
30 sec negative pull ups
30 sec active shoulder bar hang
3 rounds 18 min cap
30 weighted Reverse Lunge*
20 Cal row
10 CTB
10 TTB
*pick a heavy kb or db
On a 40 min clock
Get on a bike/rower/ski erg and start moving*.
At the 4 min mark stop and do 1
of these 3 exercises from Monday’s
Upper Body Pull.
2 muscle ups (or attempts)
5 strict pull ups
30 seconds of negative pull ups
10 wall balls
Then get back on the
Bike/rower ski erg and repeat the upper body pulling and wallball routine at minutes
Ex If you bike and muscle up you will be biking for 40 minutes but you will be stopping 10 times and you’ll perform 20 muscle ups and 100 wall balls total. Each time you get off the bike the muscle ups and wall balls should take about 90 seconds so you’ll only have about 2.5 min to bike the next round.
*at a pace you think you can maintain for 40 minutes
On a 40 minute running clock
0-8 build to heavy 3 rep touch and go snatch (beginners do hang snatch)
9-16 build to a heavy 3 rep touch and go clean and jerk (beginners do hang clean and push press).
Even minutes: 3 clean and jerk (or hang clean and push press) with your earlier snatch weight
Odd minutes: 12 wall balls (don’t spend more than 35 seconds doing wall balls)
Squat Snatch 135/95
Rope Climb
Squat Clean 225/155
Bar Muscle Up 315/225
Go heavy but scale so that each couplet will take 12 min or less 40 min cap. Each couplet is 30 reps so thats about 1 every 20 seconds
2 rounds for time, 30 min cap
Teams of 2, split reps as desired
1,000m row
Thrusters (95/65)
Pull ups
22 min amrap
22 DB snatch (50/35)
12 Burpee box jump overs (24/20)
22 Sit ups