June 11 – 17


With a partner
90 Deadlifts 135/95
70 Snatches
50 OverHead Squats
500 Double Unders
90 HandStand Push UP
70 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 x 200M weighted carry
(Grab a heavy KB, sandbag or dball. 1 partner carries 100m, other partner carries 100m, 5x each)


50 Cal Bike


5 Rounds
5 Clean  135/95
5 Burpee Box Jump over 30/24″

40 Cal Bike


4 Rounds
4 Clean 155/105
4 Burpee Box Jump over 30/24″

30 Cal Bike


3 Rounds
3 Clean 185/135
3 Burpee Box Jump Over 30/24″


Week 3 Of our current Strength Cycle
3×3 Back Squat  (Try to go heavier than last weeks heaviest set of 3)


Open WOD 18.5
In 7 Min AMRAP
Thrusters 100/65 (yep 100#)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Scale to a weight that you can do unbroken for at least 15 reps when fresh
Consider changing the Chest to Bar reps to 2-4-6-8 or an easier pull up option if they will be the limiting factor.
How many rounds you get should be determined by lactic acid tolerance, not muscle fatigue.


3×3 Deadlift (On all 3 sets, try to go heavier than 2 weeks ago even if it’s only a few #s)

Also do 1 set of 12 deadlifts. 
If you got 12 last week, go heavier. 
If you fell short of 12 last week, use that weight and go for more reps

5 Rounds – 20 Min Cap
200M Run
10 Burpees RX+ Burpee Over Box


On a running clock
0-6:00 Run
Stop at 6min
(Check your time as you come through your 3rd lap (990M), go for 4(1320M) if you are averaging 1:30 laps or finish with a run to the corner and back.)
6:00-9:00 Rest
9:00-15:00 Row
Stop at 15 or 1500/1250M (2:00/2:30 500m pace)
15:00-18:00 Rest
18:00-24:00 Bike 72/54 (12/9 Cal/ Min pace)
Stop at 24 or
24:00-27:00 Rest
27:00-33:00 Double Under
Stop at or 300 (50/min)
33:00-36:00 Rest
36:00-42:00 Ski
Stop at 42 or 1500/1250M (2:00/2:30 500m pace)

Stagger stations as needed
Record your time to complete each station or distance/reps you completed before time cap


5×3 Front Squat (On all 5 sets, try to go heavier than 2 weeks ago even if it’s only a few #s)
Also, 1 set of 12+ Back Squats at a weight heavier than last week’s set of 15.


4 Rounds

Min 1 24 KB Swings 70/53
Min 2 16 Box Step Up w/ KB
Min 3 3 Rope Climb RX+ 2 PegBoard
Min 4 Rest / finish rope/peg board reps
Score Min all the work was completed (12 is perfect score)


3×5 Strict Press (Try to go heavier than week 1s heaviest set of 5)
also try to get 1 set of 20 at the weight for 15 reps in week 1 


Thirty rounds of:
5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Handstand push-ups
225/155 pound Power clean, 1 rep

One of the more demanding CrossFit benchmark workouts, we last did HolleyMan Dec 8 of 2021
If scaling, choose a push up option and pick a weight that will allow you to finish 10 rounds in 10 minutes.
Then try to complete 10 more rounds in the next 12 minutes and finally the last 10 rounds before the clock hits 35.
Regular push ups and a clean at 80% of 1RM will be challenging for most.


MAY 4 – 10

Saturday For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…330m Team Run (1 Lap)50 Clean & Jerk @115/85330m Team Run40 Clean & Jerk @135/95330m Team Run30 Clean &

APR 27 – MAY 3

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner… 50 Hang Snatch @96/6550 OHS50 TTB Sunday MURPH PREP #1 Every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 Sets)200m

APR 20 – 26

Saturday For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner… 150 Deadlift @185/125150 Box Jump Over150/110 Cal Row-Ski or 130/90 Cal Bike*Partition However You’d Like. Sunday 5 Rounds


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
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