Partner 1 works for 2 minutes
Partner 2 works for 2 minutes
40 Min CapAt the start of each 2 Min cycle
Run 100m then chip away at the following until 2 min is up. (Each partner will run 100m 10x.)30 Rounds
4 Deadlifts (115/85)
3 Hang Clean
2 Push Jerk
2 Step Back Lunges20 Rounds
5 Burpees10 Rounds
5 Pull Ups
5 Air SquatRX+ Use 100/70 DBall instead of barbell and muscle up instead of pull up
32 min
Min 1: 15/12 cal or 200m
Min 2: max rep muscle ups
Min 3: 2 power cleans (205/145) or 80-85% 1RM
Min 4: restMonday
Week 5 of our Strength Cycle
5×3 Back Squat try to go heavier than 3×3 from 2 weeks agoMetcon:
24 Min Cap
40 30 20 10
Toes To Bar / GHD
Box Jumps
Cals Row / Ski Bike *
RX+ Add 12 9 6 3
Muscle Ups*Sub 4 3 2 1
200M Run (800,600,400,200)Tuesday
3×3 Deadlift
After each set of Deadlifts grab the heaviest KB or DB that you can carry.
50m Farmer Carry in one hand, 50m in the other hand.Also 1×15 Deadlift
Try to beat the 3×3 from 2 weeks ago and beat or match the 1×12 from 2 weeks agoMetcon:
12 Min EMOM
12 Thrusters Empty Bar
& 6 Pull ups
If you don’t finish all 18 reps in a minute, take the next minute off
Score rounds completed (12 is perfect score)
RX+ Use a single 50# DB for 6 Thrusters w/ each arm
and Chest To Bar Pull UpsWednesday
2 lap run & 50 cal
5 rounds
5 snatch 95/65
5 burpee40 cal
4 rounds
4 snatch 135/95
4 burpee30 cal
3 rounds
3 snatch 165/115
3 burpee2 lap run
*Choose snatch weights so that the 1st weight is an easy touch and go, the 2nd could be a challenging touch and go and the 3rd weight is tough but not a weight you’ll miss.
RX+ add 5,4,3 muscle ups after the 50,40,30 cal and before the start of the 5,4,3 rounds
Thursday Sep 2
5×3 Front Squat
On your heaviest set, try to match last week’s heaviest set of 3
No Back Squats todayMetcon:
4 Rounds
Min 1 16 DB Step Over 50/35
Min 2 3 Rope Climb
Min 3 50 Double Under
Min 4 12 HSPU
Min 5 Rest
Scale by Picking a # and try to hold that # of reps across all 4 exercises.
Score the # of min you got all the reps (16 is perfect)
Friday Sep 3
5×3 Strict Press Try to beat 5×3 from 3 weeks ago even if only a # or 2
Also 1 set of 15, try to beat or match last week’s 1×12
“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
• 135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
• 6 Push-ups
• 9 SquatsRest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
JAN 11 – 17
Saturday 30 Rounds For Time (CAP 40:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)1 Clean @155/105 (RX+ 175/115)3 Muscle Up5 Burpee Over Bar Sunday