Saturday June 26
RNCF Opened Our Doors for the 1st time in late June 2011
To celebrate 10 years, please come by for
Our Annual “Kettle Baby” WOD
Doors Open 7-12 — 1 Class 10AM
With a Partner
400m KB Run (70/53)
100 Pull-ups
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
100 Sit-ups
100 KB Swings (70/53)
100 Air Squats
100 Push Press (95/65)
400m KB Run
Partners will alternate hold the KB and completing the movements
1. Throughout the entire WOD the KB must never touch the floor.
2. May not rest on your foot
3. Both heels must remain on the floor
Sunday June 27
Doors Open 7-11 — 1 Class 9AM
27 Deadlift 245/165
27 TTB
100 double unders
21 Deadlift 245/165
21 TTB
100 double unders
15 Deadlift 245/165
15 TTB
100 double unders
9 Deadlift 245/165
100 double unders
Doors open at 5AM
6:00 AM
7:15 AM
5:00PM (Friday 5:30)
6:30PM (Friday 5:30)
Monday June 28
Week 3 Of our Strength Cycle
Either 3×3 or 3×5 Back Squat (the 3×3 option is different than the last 2 weeks)
Whichever option you choose you should be able to go heavier than last weeks 3×5 or 5×3
2 Rounds
2 Min Max Cals (yes this one is 2 Min)
1 Min Break
1 Min Max KB Swings 70/53
1 Min Break
1 Min Max HSPU
1 Min Break
Tuesday June 29
Either 3×3 or 3×5 Deadlift (same options as last week)
Either try the same rep scheme with slightly more weight each set, straight sets if you didn’t do straight sets last week, or the 3×5 option if you did 3×3 last week.
Also do 1 set of 12 deadlifts. If you got 12 last week, go heavier. If you fell short of 12 last week, use that weight and go for more reps)
2 Rounds
1 Min Max Thrusters 115/75
1 Min Break
1 Min Max Strict Pull Ups
1 Min Break
1 Min Max Back Rack Lunges 115/75
1 Min Break
Wednesday June 30
27 21 15 9
Chest to bar pull Ups
Push Jerks 125/85
Calories row / bike
10 Min to sprint through the 27s, rest until 10:00
8 Min to spring through the 21s, rest until 18:00
6 Min to spring through the 15s, rest until 24:00
Thursday July 1
Either 3×5 or 5×3 Front Squat (Same options as last week)
Also, 1 set of 12+ Back Squats
6 Rounds
4 Cleans 155/105
3 Push Press
RX+ Add
2 Bar Muscle Ups
1 Rope Climb
Friday July 2
Either 3×5 or 5×5 Strict Press (Behind the neck if you want)
and 1 set of 12-20
15 minute AMRAP
5 Deadlifts 275/185 lb (Pick a weight around or heavier than your set of 12 from Tuesday)
13 Push-Ups
9 Box Jumps (24/20 in)