Next Cycle (6 Weeks)
Monday: Back Squat (strength endurance)
Tuesday: Jerk (1st 3 weeks; 2 weeks from behind the neck to focus on pushing under the bar; week 3 will try to incorporate what was learned from behind the neck and transfer to the front rack)
Wednesday: Gymnastics Skill Work/Endurance
Thursday: Snatch (Power & Squat variations in complexes)
Friday: Crossfit
*6 Week Cycle will finish with the Burgener Total (1RM for Snatch, C&J, Front Squat)
Strength: (25:00)
Back Squat 3RM
**coaches record 3RM
Metcon: (9:00)
Tabata = 8x :20 work/:10 rest
Tabata Wall Balls (20/14)
Rest 1 min
Tabata Burpee to Plate (25)
Strength: (20:00)
Jerk from behind the neck (from the rack)
2-2-2-1-1-1 (building)
**Point of Performance: Drive yourself under the bar; not the bar into the air
++Coaching Notes: Elbows should be pushed forward so they are pointing at the floor; Chest must stay upright while dipping.
++ Jerking from behind the neck allows you to work on form and get comfortable with weight overhead without worrying about hitting your face.
Push Press 5×5
Metcon: For Time (18:00)
4 Rounds
20/16 Cal Row
15 HSPUs
10 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)
5 Bar Muscle-ups
BMU Scale = less BMU’s > 10 C2B > 10 Pull-ups > 10 Ring Rows
HSPU Scale = less HSPU> 5 Wall Walks> 15 HR Push Ups
Min 1: :40 Tempo Ring Dips (3/3/X/3)
Min 2: :40 Strict Pull-ups
Min 3: :40 Dead Bugs
30 Cal Row/Bike
30 Sit Ups
30 Russian KBS (53/35)
30 Box Jumps (20/14)
Every :90 for 6 Sets
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Front Squat 5×5
25 Air Squats
25 DU’s
25 Deadlifts (135/95)
25 DU’s
25 Air Squats
50 Singles
25 Deadlifts
50 Singles
Metcon: For Time
6 Rounds
Every 5 Minutes
21/18 Cal Row
15 Burpee Over Rower
9 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
6 Rounds
Every 5 Minutes
15 Cal Row
10 Burpee Over Rower
9 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
Partner WOD 30 min cap
Teams of 2, one partner working at a time, reps can be partitioned in any way (straight through, 10 rds of 10, etc)
100 Pull Ups
100 Front Rack Lunge (115/75)
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
100 KBS (70/53)
100 Wall Ball (20/14)