With a partner
Buy in – 50 Snatch 135/95
12 Rounds – alternating movements
12/9 Cal
200m Run
12 TTB
Cash Out – 50 OHS
12 Rounds
3 Thrusters 185/125
9 Box Jump Over
Week 1 of a High Rep Strength Cycle.
4×10 Back Squat – Use a weight you think you can get all 4 sets at the same weight.
This is much tougher than anscending sets and it’s ok if you find yourself resting 3+ minutes between sets.
Last week we did 3×10 back squat – use your #s last week as a guide for today.
Did you complete all 3 sets of 10 with the same weight last week?
Yes, it was easy. — Add some weight today and try again for 4 sets.
Yes, but barely. — Use the same weight as last week.
No, but almost. — Use the same weight as last week.
No, not even close — Drop some weight and try again and take enough time between sets.
15 Min AMRAP
20 Single DB S2OH 50/35 (10 each arm)
10 Burpee Over DB
200M Run
10 Pull Up
Week 1 of a High Rep Strength Cycle.
4×10 Strict Press – Use a weight you think you can get all 4 sets at the same weight.
24 Min
Min 1 6 Hang Snatch 115/80# RX+ OHS after each Snatch
Min 2 12 Back Rack Step Back Lunges (might want to time your 6th snatch to finish at the start of min)
Min 3 12 TTB
Min 4 Rest – RX+ 4 Bar Muscle Ups
Score the minutes you complete all the work (count min 4)
35 Min Cap
4 rounds
2 Lap run 660m
40 Second Side Plank each side
40 Russian KB Swings 70/53
2 Rope Climbs (sub 4 Burpee Pull Ups)
5 Rounds for Max Total Weight
Each round is 7 unbroken sets of:
• 1 Power Clean
• 1 Front Squat
• 1 Push Press
• 1 Back Squat
• 1 Push Press
You can vary weight each round or go straight across, whatever you think you’ll be able to finish with a max total across 5 rounds.
Using the same weight as Gwen from 2 weeks ago is probably a good staring point.
Don’t be afraid to take more than 5 minutes rest between sets.
Quarterly “Fran” Test
Pull Ups – If pull ups are your weak link, consider reducing the # of them to 15-9-6 or 9-6-3 in order to finish in under 8 minutes
Week 1 of a High Rep Strength Cycle.
4×10 Bench Press – Use a weight you think you can get all 4 sets at the same weight.