Oct 15 – 21


With a Partner
40 Min Cap

300 Double Unders
4 Rounds
20 Power Clean 135/95
25 TTB

4 Rounds
20 Front Squat 175/125
20 Burpee Over Bar

4 Rounds
20 Deadlift 275/185
10 Bar Muscle Up

300 Double Unders


3 Rounds
21 Box Jump Over
21 Deadlift
15 Burpee Over Bar
15 Hang Clean
9 Muscle Ups
9 Jerks

Round 1 135/95
Round 2 155/105
Round 3 185/125


4×15 Back Squat (don’t worry, last week of this cycle).
Take plenty of time between sets and try for straight sets (same weight all 4 sets).


“Isabel” – One of the classic CrossFit Benchmark WODs
30 Snatches 135/95


4×15 Strict Press


7 Rounds
2 Min to complete
400m Run/Row/Ski
1 Min to complete
8 Step Ups w/ 70/53KB RX+ 95/65 Barbell
1 Min to complete
15 Abmat Sit Ups RX+ 10 GHD
If you don’t finish in the 1 or 2 min time slot, skip the next portion.
Count this as 21 parts and score the portions you complete all the work.


40 Min EMOM
Min 1 20 Double Unders and 5 CTB
Min 2 1 Squat clean Thruster 185/125 (OK to use a little less weight the 1st 8 min)
Min 3 20 Double Unders and 5 HSPU
Min 4 1 Squat Clean Thruster 185/125 (OK to use a little less weight the 1st 8 min)

Scale the Squat Clean Thruster to about 75% of 1RM Clean
If you need a minute off, take a break.
Record the total # of minutes you do all the work.
If you miss a SQT don’t reattempt and don’t score it.


45 Min AMRAP
1 Lap Run – If you don’t want to run, we can either do 100 double unders if you missed yesterday or 20 cals on a different device
1 Min Break
20 Cal Row – RX+ Bike or Ski
1 Min Break
15 Burpees – RX+ 5 Wall Walks + 1 Pegboard
3 Min Break
The idea is that we are working for about a minute and then getting a long enough rest to bring the heart rate down before the next exercise.
Time yourself on the breaks.


Quarterly “DT” Test

5 Rounds
12 Deadlift 155/105
9 Hang Clean 155/105
6 Shoulder to OverHead 155/105

If you are scaling, the deadlifts should be pretty easy, the S2OH should be a weight that is tough but possible to get all 6 of when fresh but during the workout sets of 2 or 3 is ok.


4×15 Bench


3×5 Yates Row


JAN 11 – 17

Saturday 30 Rounds For Time (CAP 40:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)1 Clean @155/105 (RX+ 175/115)3 Muscle Up5 Burpee Over Bar Sunday

Dec 28 – Jan 3

Saturday 20 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)5 Pull Up (RX+ CTB)5 Single DB Devil Press @50/3510 Single

DEC 21 – 27

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 36:00)w/ a partner500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Snatch @50/35500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Box Step


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!