Sep 17 – 23


4 Rounds
3 Lap Run 1st 2 Rounds / 1 Lap Run Last 2 Rounds
4 Rope Climb
20 Single Arm Devils Press 50/35
40 Wall Balls
100 Double Unders
RX+ Legless Rope, 70/50DB, 30/20WB
Scale 3 Chins Ups/Rope Climb, Plate Hops


15 Rounds
2 Snatch 155/105 RX+ Squat Snatch
5 HSPU RX+ Defecit HSPU
10/8 Cal


Wendler Strength Cycle Week 3
5-3-1+ Strict Press and
Back Squat
Shoot for about 75% 85% and 95%of 1RM
If feeling good at 95% go for 2 or 3 reps or a new 1RM PR in a 4th set
Next week we will be starting a new “Strength Endurance” Cycle


4 Rounds
12 Deadlift 155/105
9 Hang Clean 155/105
6 Burpees Over Bar


Every 3 Min for 36 Min
21/15 Cal
7 Thrusters 135/95
3 Bar Muscle Ups – Scale Burpee Pull Ups
Score the rounds you finish all the work in under 3min.
If you take over 3 minutes to finish a round, rest until the next 3 min cycle is up.
RX+ 165/115 and Rings
Perfect is 12.
If you’re scaling weight, pick something that you can at least get through the 1st 5 rounds before resting round 6.


OHS 75/55
Box Step Over with MedBall
Run 4×200,3×200,2×200,1×200
RX+4-3-2-1 Rope Climb and Step Over with 50/35DB


On a 20 Min Running Clock*
Min 0-5 5-10 Squat Clean 30-40% of 1RM, holding the bottom for 2 Sec then stand up and Press/Jerk
Min 6-10 5-10 Clean High Pulls at 70-80% of 1 RM
Min 11-20 4-6 Clean and Jerk at 80-90% of last week’s heavy clean and jerk
*Use as a guide to prep yourself for “Gwen” adding and subtracting reps as you feel fit.



Over 20-25 minutes
Clean & Jerk 
1 unbroken set of 15
1 unbroken set of 12 
1 unbroken set of 9 reps

Unbroken means – Touch and go at floor or rest on thighs. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. 
Try to use same load for each set, around 40-60% of 1RM. 
Experienced lifters will probably be better of closer to 40% and newer lifters closer to 60%.
If you don’t get 15 unboken, finish it anyway you can but don’t retry it, just back off a little bit for the set of 12 and 9.
If the 15 was waaaaay to easy, add a little for the next 2 sets.


Wendler Week 3
5-3-1+ Bench Press 
Shoot for about 75% 85% and 95%of 1RM
If feeling good at 95% go for 2 or 3 reps or a 4th set at a new 1RM PR
If you have been coming here consistently for a year or more, do this cycle with one of the “multi-grip” bars.
Next week we will start a new “Strength Endurance” Cycle


CF Open WOD 22.1

15 minute AMRAP
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches 50/35
15 box jump-overs


MAY 4 – 10

Saturday For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…330m Team Run (1 Lap)50 Clean & Jerk @115/85330m Team Run40 Clean & Jerk @135/95330m Team Run30 Clean &

APR 27 – MAY 3

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner… 50 Hang Snatch @96/6550 OHS50 TTB Sunday MURPH PREP #1 Every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 Sets)200m

APR 20 – 26

Saturday For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner… 150 Deadlift @185/125150 Box Jump Over150/110 Cal Row-Ski or 130/90 Cal Bike*Partition However You’d Like. Sunday 5 Rounds


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
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