Partner WOD – 45 Min Cap
1 mile run (alternate 200s) RX+ Farmers Carry 800m(alternate 100s)
10 rounds – alternate rounds – (1 partner does all 4 exercises while other rests)
10 Cal
10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35
10 Goblet Squat
10 Pull Up RX+ Weighted Pull Up
(Scale so that all 4 exercises are done in under 2 min)
1 Mile Farmer Carry (1 DB between partners but both do a mile)
RX+ DBALL Carry (1 DBALL both partners go the mile)
30 hspu
15 squat cleans (155/105)
30 box jumps
12 squat cleans (185/125)
30 TTB
9 squat cleans (205/145)
30 HR push ups
6 squat cleans (225/155)
30 pull ups
3 squat cleans (245/165)
Back Squat 5-3-1+
Week 3 of “Wendler” Strength Cycle
12 Min AMRAP
10 DB Clean and Jerk
10 TTB
100M Run
5 Rounds
400M Run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
Kelly Scaled
30 Min AMRAP
200M Run
15 Box Jump
15 Wall Ball
Pendlay Row 3×5
Snatch Grip 3×5
Pick a device
100 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
Compare to June 14th
Back Rack Lunges 3×5
5 Rounds
400M Run
15 OverHeadSquats 95/65
30 Min AMRAP
5 Deadlift 275/185
13 Push Ups
9 Box Jumps
If you have been coming less than 1 yr
Drop this to
15 Min AMRAP
5 DL (at a weight you can easily do 10 of)
13 Push Ups
9 Box Jumps
Bench Press 5-3-1+ – Week 3 of “Wendler” Strength Cycle
1+ means if you’re feeling good, add a 2nd rep or 4th set