Partner WOD – 45 Min Cap
1 mile run (both run) RX+ Farmers Carry
10 rounds – alternate rounds
10 Cal
10 DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35
10 Goblet Squat
10 Pull Up RX+ Weighted Pull Up
1 mile Farmer Carry (1 DB between partners but both do a mile)
30 hspu
15 squat cleans (155/105)
30 box jumps
12 squat cleans (185/125)
30 TTB
9 squat cleans (205/145)
30 HR push ups
6 squat cleans (225/155)
30 pull ups
3 squat cleans (245/165)
Wendler Strength Cycle Week 3
5-3-1+ Strict Press and
Back Squat
Shoot for about 75% 85% and 95%of 1RM
If feeling good at 95% go for 2 or 3 reps or a new 1RM PR in a 4th set
15 Min AMRAP
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 KB Swings 70/53 — RX+ D BAll Clean
10 Toes To Bar
5 Burpees
4 Min EMOM – 30-40% of 1RM
1 Clean High Pull
1 High Hang Clean
1 Low Hang Clean
1 Min Break
4 Min EMOM 60-70% of 1RM
3 Position Pause Clean (Pause Below Knee, Above Knee, Pockets)
1 Min Break
8 Min EMOMish (get 6-10 Reps over 8 Min)
1 Clean Building to a max for today
15 Min EMOM – Min 1 and 2 shouldn’t be super tough
Min 1 10 Wall Ball
Min 2 10 Box Jump 24/20
Min 3 AMRAP DB Snatch
Score total DB Snatch
40 Min AMRAP
10 TTB
10 Cal
10 Pull Up
RX+ 1 Muscle Up
1 200M Run
Next Round 20,20,20,2,2
3rd Round 30,30,30,3,3
If you finish the 5th round, you’ve done 100 TTB, Cals, Pull Ups, Run 2 Miles – RX+ 15 MU
OverHead Squat
Split Squat
Try to beat your #s from 2 weeks ago, Aug 11.
70 Back Rack Step Back Lunge 75/55
60 Burpee Over Bar
50 Push Press
40 Cross Body Knee to Elbow
330M Run (1 Lap)
20 HandStand Push Ups
10 Rope Climbs sub 100 abmat sit ups
Wendler Week 3
5-3-1+ Bench Press
Shoot for about 75% 85% and 95%of 1RM
If feeling good at 95% go for 2 or 3 reps or a 4th set at a new 1RM PR
If you have been coming here consistently for a year or more, do this cycle with one of the “multi-grip” bars
Open WOD 15.5
27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
• Row (calories)
• Thrusters 95/65#