Aug 28 – Sep 3

Saturday Aug 28

1 Class 10AM Open 7-12
With a Partner, split anyway you like
35 Min Cap
30 Burpee Pull Ups
30 Cal
30 Burpee Deadlifts 315/225 (use about 80% of what you did on Tues)
330M 45/30# OH plate carry (1 partner carry, other walks with)
30 Burpee over Bar
30 Cal
30 Muscle Ups

Sunday Aug 29

1Class 9AM Open 7-11

5 Rounds
12 HandStand Push Ups
100 M Run
3 Muscle Ups
X Squat Cleans
Round 1 X = 15 @ 135/95
Round 2 X = 12 @ 155/105
Round 3 X = 9 @ 165/115
Round 4 X = 6 @ 185/135
Round 5 X = 3 @ 225/155


Classes 6:00AM, 7:15AM, Noon

Mon and Tues Classes 5:00,6:00,7:00PM
Wed and Thurs Classes 5:00 and 6:30PM
Fri Class at 5:30 PM

Monday Aug 30

Week 5 of our Strength Cycle

Either 3×3 or 3×5 Back Squat try to go heavier than last week, if you don’t think you can, choose the other rep scheme.


10 Min AMRAP
75 Thruster 75#
330 M Run
45 CAL

Tuesday Aug 31

3×3 Deadlift (only option today)
Also 1×15 Deadlift
Look back to week 1 and either try to do more weight for 15+ reps or the same weight for 15 if you didn’t get 15 a month ago


For time:
Row 500m
40 Air Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

For years, many CF gyms used this as everyone’s 1st workout, thus the name baseline…
If you’re experienced this WOD can be around 4 min so if you want a little tougher version, we give you baseline plus

50 Cal Bike
40 Box Jump
30 TTB
20 Burpee
10 Muscle Ups….

Wednesday Sep 1

5 x 8 Min Rounds
330M Run (1 lap)
20 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
Max Cals
Aim to get started on the cals by 6 Min, drop the # rope climbs if needed, no break between rounds.

Thursday Sep 2

Either 3×5 or 5×3 Front Squat (Same options as last week)
20 Back Squats with a weight you know you can make, around 75% effort (next week we will test our 20Rep Max)


12 Minute EMOM
1) 20 Box Jump Over
2) 40 Double Unders
3) 12 Burpee Over Rower
4) 16/12 Cal Row

Start at station 1 or 3 so you’ve got rower to jump over…

Friday Sep 3

Either 3×5 or 5×5 Strict Press (Behind the neck if you want)
and 1 set of 12+


:50 Sec Work :10 Sec Break/transition
4 Rounds for Max reps
Min 1 Back Rack Step Back Lunges
Min 2 20 Push Ups + Strict Pull Ups
Min 3 Wall Balls
Min 4 Rest
For the lunges, use about 1/2 the weight of your heaviest set of front squats
For the Push Ups + Pull Ups, if 20 push ups takes longer than 50 seconds, you won’t get to the pull ups. That’s ok.


MAY 4 – 10

Saturday For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…330m Team Run (1 Lap)50 Clean & Jerk @115/85330m Team Run40 Clean & Jerk @135/95330m Team Run30 Clean &

APR 27 – MAY 3

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner… 50 Hang Snatch @96/6550 OHS50 TTB Sunday MURPH PREP #1 Every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 Sets)200m

APR 20 – 26

Saturday For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner… 150 Deadlift @185/125150 Box Jump Over150/110 Cal Row-Ski or 130/90 Cal Bike*Partition However You’d Like. Sunday 5 Rounds


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!
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