Squat Waves with a % of our 5RM Back Squat weight
Every set is 2% heavier than last week
Set 1: 6 Reps @ 76%
Set 2: 4 Reps @ 82%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 88%
Rest 3 Minutes
Set 4: 6 Reps @ 82%
Set 5: 4 Reps @ 88%
Set 6: 2 Reps @ 94%
Rest 3 Minutes
Set 7: 6 Reps @ 88%
Set 8: 4 Reps @ 96%
Set 9: 2 Reps @ 100%
Each wave of 3 should have about a minute rest in between sets.
10 Min EMOM
Even: Upper Pull Station*
Odd: AMRAP Empty Bar Thruster
Score Thrusters
Z Press and and Deadlift SuperSet
(If you’ve been Deadlifting more than 300/200 the last few weeks use a 20# axel bar today)
5×5 of each exercise take about 2 min between sets
Build weight each set and finish heavy on the last Z Press set
Moderate weight on all DeadlLifts – Axel bars will knock about 25% off your ability
Try to add 1 or 2# from last week on the Z press
Try to add 10-20 # from the last 2 weeks deadlifts if you are using a traditional bar
Even Min: AMRAP Wall Balls
Odd Min: 10 24/20″ Box Step Over w/ Ball
(Start and finish w/ wall balls try to keep ball of the ground the whole 15 min)
36 Min Cap
9 6 3 (2-4 min)
Heavy Deadlifts but you can do unbroken
High Box Jumps
Rest 5 min
21 15 9 (4-8 min)
Hang Power Cleans that you can do in 1-2 sets
Pull ups (scale to either 15 9 6 or 9 6 3 to finish each set in under a minute)
Rest 5 min
50 Empty Barbell Thrusters
2k/1500m row or 100/80 Cal Bike
8 Minutes to build up to a heavy complex (80-90% of max CL&J) of 1 squat clean, 1 push jerk, 1 split jerk
Then, every 2 minutes for 5 sets complete the complex
2 Rounds
6 HSPU or 2 wall walk or 10 pike HSPU
6 ALT Pistols
Rest 1 Minute
6 Single Arm OH DB Lunge (50/35)
6 DB Snatch (50/35)
Open WOD 18.3
20 Min AMRAP
100 double-unders Sub 20 burpees or 2 Min double unders
20 overhead squats 115/80
100 double-unders Sub 15 burpees or 2 Min double unders
12 ring muscle-ups Sub 3 min of Upper body Pulling Work
100 double-unders Sub 15 burpees or 2 Min double unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders Sub 10 burpees or 2 Min double unders
12 bar muscle-ups Sub 3 min of Upper body Pulling Work
Post WOD
5 Rounds Not For Time
10 GHD or hollow rock to super man
4 Turkish Get Up w/ DB from WOD
10 Banded Tricep Ext
Teams of 2, one working at a time
3 rds:
30 TTB
30 Power Clean (155/105)
Then 2,000m row
3 rds:
30 Burpee OTB
30 Power snatch (105/75)
For time:
Russian KBS (70/53)
Sit ups
Step ups (24/20)
Calorie Row/bike
*Pick one of these options (should be something that is relatively easy when fresh but you have to think about when tired)
*Upper Pull Station
1 Peg Board Ascent
2-3 No Kip Muscle Ups
1.1 Kipping Muscle Ups (2 muscle ups or attempts, resetting after each one)
5-8 Strict Pull Ups
2-3 Strict Chin Ups and 15 Seconds of controlled negative Pull Ups
30 Seconds of Controlled Negative Pull Ups
10 Ring Rows