Sat Feb 11
With a Partner, split anyway you like
300 Air Squat
300 Double Under
150 Cal
150 DB Snatch 50/35
100 DB Clean and Jerk
100 DB OH Step Back Lunge
50 Single Arm Devils Press
50 Box Jump Over
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (28 total)
Clean and Jerk 155/105 Rx+ 185/135
28-24-20-16-12-8-4 (112 total)
Calories – ROW/SKI/Bike
“CrossFit Total”
3 Attempts at a 1 RM Squat (warm up 1st but “declare” your 1st attempt)
3 Attempts at a 1RM Strict Press
3 Attempts at a 1RM Deadlift
(You don’t need to take all 3 attempts if you feel like you’ve hit your limit on a particular lift)
Add up your highest # on each exercise for the “CrossFit Total”
Optional —
After the Total, either a 500M Row or a 50 Cal Bike, whatever you didn’t do 2 weeks ago.
3 Position Snatch
1 Rep is
(1 High Hang Snatch, 1 Hang Snatch from the Knee, 1 Snatch from the Floor w/o letting go of the bar)
3 @ 55% 1RM (9 snatches, 3 from each position)
3 @ 65% 1RM
3 @ 70% 1RM
2 @ 75% 1RM (6 snatches, 3 from each position)
2 @ 80% 1RM
1 @ 85+% 1RM (3 snatches, 1 from each position)
Score your heaviest – Look Back to Jan 5 to see what you did then.
“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
• 135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
• 6 Push-ups
• 9 Squats
Rest 1 minute.
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Pick Up where you left off in between rounds.
Score your total rounds.
4 x 8 Min AMRAP Rest 3 Min after each round
4 Burpee Box Jump Over
8 KB Swing 70/53
4 Pull Ups
8 Abmat Sit Ups
RX+ 2 Wall Walk
Start at BBJO each round
The CrossFit Open starts tomorrow.
If you’re doing the Open, do this at a moderate pace.
Every 8 Min for 4 Rounds
500 M Row
5 Split Squat 135/95 (each leg, from the rack)
5 Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
If you’re not doing the Open, do 5 rounds, front squat from the ground instead of split squat and score your slowest time.
TBD – Depends on what they post at Thursday afternoon.
Also TBD