Squat Waves with a % of our 5RM Back Squat weight
Every set is 2% heavier than last week
Set 1: 6 Reps @ 72%
Set 2: 4 Reps @ 78%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 84%
Rest 3 Minutes
Set 4: 6 Reps @ 78%
Set 5: 4 Reps @ 84%
Set 6: 2 Reps @ 90%
Rest 3 Minutes
Set 7: 6 Reps @ 84%
Set 8: 4 Reps @ 90%
Set 9: 2 Reps @ 96%
Each wave of 3 should have about a minute rest in between sets.
10 min AMRAP
8 Alternating Pistol squats (Scale to a bench or box)
8 Heavy KB Swings
8 Pull Ups or 30 seconds of pull ups whatever comes 1st
Z Press and and Deadlift SuperSet
5×5 of each exercise take about 2 min between sets
Build weight each set and finish heavy on the last Z Press set
Moderate weight on all deadlifts
Try to add 1 or 2# from last week on the Z press
Try to add 10-20 # from the last 2 weeks deadlifts
15 min EMOM
Min 1 10 slam ball
Min 2 10 box jump 24/20
Min 3 AMRAP Burpee Pull Ups
Score total Burpee Pull Ups
Slam balls and box jumps should take 20-30 seconds
Upper Body Pulling*
Establish HSPU Work**
For 40 minutes alternate between
5 Min of moderate row/ski/bike
5 Min to do
Upper Pull
Upper Pull again
HSPU Work again
8 Minutes to build to 80% of 1RM squat CL & J for 1 squat clean, 1 hang squat clean, 1 front squat, 1 push jerk
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets complete the complex at 80%
10 Min AMRAP
Thrusters (RX 135/95)
C2B–>Pull ups–>Ring Rows
CrossFit Open 19.1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
19 Wall Balls
19 Cal on Rower
Teams of 2, one working at a time
For time, 30 min cap
100 Wall ball (20/14)
50 STO (135/95)
100 Box jump over (24/20)
50 Clean & jerk (135/95)
100 Push ups
50 Squat clean (135/95)
5 Rounds
In 4 minutes complete:
15 Burpee to plate (25)
20 American KBS (53/35)
20 Sit ups
Max Calories on rower/bike in remainder of 4 minutes
Rest 1 minute before starting next round
*Pick one of these options (should be something that is relatively easy when fresh but you have to think about when tired)
*Upper Pull Station
1 Peg Board Ascent
2-3 No Kip Muscle Ups
1.1 Kipping Muscle Ups (2 muscle ups or attempts, resetting after each one)
5-8 Strict Pull Ups
2-3 Strict Chin Ups and 15 Seconds of controlled negative Pull Ups
30 Seconds of Controlled Negative Pull Ups
10 Ring Rows
**Pick one of these options (should be something that is relatively easy when fresh but you have to think about when tired)
**HSPU Work
10 Strict HSPU
3-6 HSPU
2 Wall Walks
10 Pike HSPU
10 Push Up (use a box if needed)