July 31 – Aug 6

Saturday July 31

35 Min Cap

1 Class 10AM (Open 7-12)

With a partner

2x200M Run (each partner does 1 run)

4 Rounds (each partner does 2 rounds)
20 Double Unders
5 Clean and Jerk 155/105

Then 2x200M Run

4 Rounds
20 Double Unders
5 Clean and Jerk 185/135

Then 2x200M Run

Repeat with 205/145, 225/155 and 245/165 
(Go heavy on the clean and Jerk, most groups will get time capped on the 225/155)


Sunday Aug 1

1 Class 9AM (Open 7-11)

3 Rounds

21 Box Jump Over
21 Deadlift 165/115
15 Burpee Over Bar
15 Hang Clean
9 Muscle Ups
9 Shoulder to OverHead

Pick a weight that you can do sets of 4-6 Hang Cleans and 2-4 S2OH each time.

M-F  Doors open at 5:00 AM

M-F Classes

6:00 AM, 7:15 AM, Noon

5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 PM

Wed and Thurs
5:00 & 6:30 PM


Monday Aug 2

Week 1 Of our Strength Cycle
Pick one of these rep schemes 3×5 or 5×3 Back Squat and record your #s in SugarWOD


5 Rounds
1 Lap Run (330M)
5 Push Press 185/125 (Go heavy, 1-2 Rounds Unbroken, 3-4 Rounds in sets of 2)
This is the 3rd time we have done this Metcon in the last 2 months, try and go heavier and/or faster….

Tuesday Aug 3

3×3 Deadlift (Only 1 Option for DL)
& do 1 set of 15-20 deadlifts. 
Record your weights and reps in SugarWOD



Cleans 135/95
Burpee Over Bar

Wednesday Aug 4

100 double Unders
50DB Hang Clean and Jerk
1000m row 50 cal
50 hspu

From 0-5 AMRAP
From 5-7 rest
From 7-14 AMRAP (start at 100 Double Unders)
From 14-17 rest
From 17-35 AMRAP or until you finish (Start at 100 DU)
The 1st 5 min, you might get to the rower.
The 2nd 7 min you should get a chunk of the rowing, some might finish it.

Thursday Aug 5

Either 3×5 or 5×3 Front Squat 
Also, 1 set of 15-20 Back Squats (If you got a 20 Rep Max 2 weeks ago, add some weight and shoot for 20 again)


21-15-9 reps for time of:
• Clean 135/95#
• Ring dips


Amanda9/7/5 reps of:
• Muscle-Ups
• Snatch 135/95#

Friday Aug 6

Either 3×5 or 5×5 Strict Press (Behind the neck if you want)
and 1 set of 10-15


CF Games 21.4 WOD
20 Min Cap

7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (CF Games also did 10-9-8)

Wall Walks
Thrusters 115/80 (CF Games used 185/135)


JAN 11 – 17

Saturday 30 Rounds For Time (CAP 40:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)1 Clean @155/105 (RX+ 175/115)3 Muscle Up5 Burpee Over Bar Sunday

Dec 28 – Jan 3

Saturday 20 Rounds For Time (CAP 35:00)w/ a partner…“YOU GO I GO” (one round each)5 Pull Up (RX+ CTB)5 Single DB Devil Press @50/3510 Single

DEC 21 – 27

Saturday 3 Rounds For Time (CAP 36:00)w/ a partner500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Snatch @50/35500/400m Row-Ski or 1250/875m Bike50 Single DB Box Step


Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!