Fri Mar 10
Quarterly “Air Force” WOD test
For time:
4 Burpees at the beginning of every minute including 0:00 before moving on to the barbell work.
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats
Scale to 2 burpees and or reduce the weight to finish in under 15 min
After Air Force either
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Annie +
50 40 30 20 10
Double Unders
25 20 15 10 5
“Iron Triathlon”
In Teams of 3
50 Min Cap
Scale all weights to something you could do about 10 reps of when totally fresh
1 Deadlift @ 1.5x avg bodyweight
1 Bench Press @ 1.0x avg bodyweight
1 Power Clean @ .75x avg bodyweight
2 Deadlifts
2 Bench
2 Power Cleans
We think the best way to split this up is to not rotate exercises until after the round of 4.
ie partner 1 does 1 DL, rests while partner 2 does 1 bench, rests while partner 3 does 1 clean.
Same for 2s,3s and 4s.
Rotate again after the round of 6.
ie partner 3 moves from 4 cleans right into 5 DL, partner 1 does 5 bench, partner 2 does 5 cleans.
Same for the 6s
Starting with round 9, split up the reps on the DL 3,3,3, bench 3,3,3 clean 3,3,3,.
Round 10 4,3,3 etc
If you’re feeling ambitious, keep going after the cap through round 20.
If you split the work evenly, each partner will have done 70 reps of each.
50 Wall Ball
25 Power Clean 135/95
40 Wall Ball
20 Push Press
30 Wall Ball
15 Snatch
20 Wall Ball
10 Thrusters
10 Wall Ball
5 Cluster
Scale to a weight so that the 15 Snatches are bout 80% of your 1RM
Tabata Strict Pull Ups
Scale to banded or accumulate time doing negative Pull Ups
3×5 Back Squat – If you went heavy and hit a PR last week, back off a little today on these 3 sets.
12 DB Snatch 50/35
12 AbMat Sit UP
12 Goblet Squats
12 Handstand Push Ups – Scale to 3 Wall Walks
3×5 Back Rack Strict Press
2×3 Back Rack Push Press
3×1 Back Rack Jerk – If feeling good and have time go for 4 or 5.
14 Min Cap
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Thrusters 45/35 (Empty Bar)
RX+ 3-2-1 Rope Climb
20 Min AMRAP
3 Front Squat 185/125
7 Hand Release Push Ups
7 Pull Ups
21/15 Cal
Establish a 2RM Thruster
3×5 Split Squat
8 Rounds for Time – RX+ 10 Rounds
1 Deadlift 225/135 RX+ 275/175
2 Burpees
Add a rep to each exercise each round.
2nd Round is
2 DL
3 Burpee
8th Round
8 DL
9 Burpee
Ends ups being 36 DL 44 Burpee 52 TTB Rx+ is 55,65,75
“Karen” – One of the Classic CrossFit Benchmark
150 WallBalls –
2 pieces of advice.
Break these up earlier than you have to.
Keep your breaks to 10-15 seconds.
After Karen, give your legs a break.
3×5 Bench Press (Go easy if you hit a PR last week)
3×5 Pendlay Row
Sat Mar 18
Partners switch after each round.
8 Rounds
5 Clean and Jerk 185/125
10 Cals
8 Rounds
5 Strict HSPU
10 Pistols
8 Rounds
5 Burpee Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts 225/155