With a partner, alternate each exercise
10 Rounds For Time
7 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Thrusters (135/95 lb)
7 Knees-to-Elbows
7 Deadlifts (245/165 lb)
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
7 Pull-Ups
IGNITE WORKOUT – Donation Link
Part 1 for time: 21-15-9
Thrusters (95/65)
Lateral burpees over the bar
Sit ups
Part 2 for load: In the remaining time, establish a max complex of:
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
18 minute time cap.
5 Front Squat 185/125
5 Push Press
20 Box Jump Over
1 Lap Run
5 Muscle Up
2 Sets of 5 (each leg) Step Back Lunges with bar on back
3 Sets of 5 Tempo Back Squat at 32X1
What is a tempo back squat and what does 32×1 mean?
Control the weight on the way down, make it last 3 seconds.
Sit in the bottom for 2 seconds.
eXplode out of the bottom
Rest at the top for 1 second.
Do that for 5 reps and it should take 35-45 seconds depending on how fast your X is.
These are tough, you might only be able to do 50-60% of what you can do for a regular set of 5 back squats.
We are going to do these next Monday too and start a new Strength Cycle after Memorial Day.
Pick One
9/7/5 reps of:
• Muscle-Ups
• Snatch 135/95#
21-15-9 reps for time of:
• Clean 135/95#
• Ring dips
5 Rounds
8 MIn to
330M Run
20 Toes To Bar
10 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
Max Cals until 6 Min mark
Rest 2 Min
Aim to get started on the cals by 5 Min, drop the # rope climbs if needed.
Rest from Min 6-8 each round
Score Cals (might not get any cals some rounds)
On a running clock
Push Press 135/95
1 Lap Run
Hang Clean 155/105
Cals Ski/Bike/Row
Deadlifts 275/225
Bar Muscle Ups
Rest the remaining portion of each 12 min period.
32 Min EMOM
Min 1: 8 Front Squats 155/105 + 1 Jerk
Min 2: Max Pull Ups
Min 3 and 4: 200M and Rest
Record your total pull ups
Unscored Skill Work
45 sec work, 15 sec to transition
3 Rounds
Min 1 Double Unders
Min 2 Handstand Hold
Min 3 Muscle Up or Strict Pull Ups
• 150 Wall Ball shots 20/14#
3×5 Tempo Bench Press 22X1
(2 Second Descent, 2 Second pause at the chest, explode up, 1 sec rest at the top)
5 Reps should take about 30 seconds to complete.
Optional Bonus WOD
Open WOD 11.1
10 minutes AMRAP
• 30 Double-unders
• 15 Power snatches 75/55 (lighter than normal)