With a partner – 1 working, 1 resting.
Split the work however you like.
3 Rounds
50 Thrusters 45/35
50 Cal
Then 2 Rounds
5 Rope Climbs
100M Run (If raining, can ski 100M or 10 Burpees)
15 Rounds
12/9 Cal Row – RX+ Bike
5 Pull Ups RX+ 2 Muscle Ups
3 OHS 155/105
5-3-1+ Front Squat – Week 3 of Strength Cycle. 1+ Means do a 4th or 5th set if feeling good.
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power cleans 135/95
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Pick up where you left off, score total rounds and reps
5-3-1+ Push Press – Week 3 of Strength Cycle. 1+ Means do a 4th or 5th set if feeling good.
With a Partner 22 Min AMRAP
Alternate Rounds
6 TTB – Rx+ 1 Rope Climb
4 Burpee
6 Goblet Lunge 50/35 – RX+ Dball Lunge 100/70
5-3-1+ Deadlift – Week 3 of Strength Cycle. 1+ Means do a 4th or 5th set if feeling good.
20 Min EMOM
Even Min: Strict Pull Ups – RX+ Muscle Ups
Odd Min: Max Sit Ups – RX+ GHD
Pick a # of Pull Ups that you think you can manage for all 10 Rounds
Score total Sit Ups multiplied by lowest round of Pull Ups.
Be done with your pull ups and on your abmat to get the full minute each time.
5-3-1+ Back Squat – Week 3 of Strength Cycle. 1+ Means do a 4th or 5th set if feeling good.
18 Min EMOM
Min 1: 3 Snatch 155/95
Min 2: Max Cals
Min 3: Rest
We did a similar WOD last week
Scale the snatch to the heaviest weight you think you can make all the reps
Score Total Cals
Go harder on the Cals than last week, it’s only 6 Rounds and you have a full min of rest.
5-3-1+ Bench Press – Week 3 of Strength Cycle. 1+ Means do a 4th or 5th set if feeling good.
(If you used a specialty bar this week, use the same one today)
“Open WOD 22.1”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs