Sat Oct 2
12 Min to build to a clean around 80% of your 1RM
Then on a 30Min Clock
5 Rounds
Partner 1 has 1 minute to do
5 Pulls on rower for Max Cals and 1 Clean at around 80%
Partner 2 has 1 minute to do
5 Pulls on rower for Max Cals and 1 Clean at around 80%
5 Rounds
Partner 1 has 1 minute to do
6 Pulls on rower for Max Cals and 5 Pull Ups
Partner 2 has 1 minute to do
6 Pulls on rower for Max Cals and 5 Pull Ups
5 Rounds
Partner 1 has 1 minute to do
7 Pulls on rower for Max Cals and max Burpees over the bar
Partner 2 has 1 minute to do
7 Pulls on rower for Max Cals and max Burpees over the bar
If you are biking or skiing instead of rowing, go for 20 seconds each round.
At the end of 30 min, each partner will have done 90 pulls on the rower, 5 cleans, 30 pull ups and 5 rounds of burpees.
Add up the total # of cals and total # of burpees
Sun Oct 3
Open 8-11
Class at 9AM
50 Cal or 2 Lap Run
18 deadlift 225/155
18 hspu
15 Deadlift 255/175
15 hspu
12 dl 315/205
12 hspu
9 dl 335/225
9 hspu
6 dl 365/245
6 hspu
50 cal or 2 lap run
Doors open at 5AM Classes 6AM,7:15 and noon.
Mon and Tues 5,6,7PM
Wed and Thurs 5 and 6:30PM
Fri 5:30PM
Monday Oct 4
Front Squat
Use about 75% of your 1RM Clean.
If last week’s weight felt too easy, perform today’s reps with a 1 second hold in the bottom of each squat in addition to using 75%.
16 Min Cap
Wall Balls
KB Swings
Rope Climb
Tuesday Oct 5
Strict Press
Push Press
With a partner
Alternate exercises
15 Min AMRAP
10 Box Jumps
10 Pull Ups
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (Try to use your 1 rep strict press weight earlier today)
Wednesday Oct 6
20 Min EMOM
20 Double Unders and 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
(If you don’t complete a round in under a minute take the next minute as a break.
Scale the pull ups so that you are getting at least 5 rounds before needing a break
score the # of rounds)
5 Min Break
15 Min EMOM
1 Thruster 185/125 heavy but a weight you won’t miss
Thursday Oct 7
6×1 Snatch make the last 2-3 reps about 90% of your 1RM
6×3 OHS try to add 2-7# from last week
16 Min EMOM
Min 1 15 TTB
Min 2 5 Push Press + 10 Back Rack Step Back Lunges 95/65
Min 3 20 Push Up + Max Strict Pull Ups
Min 4 Rest
Score your Total Pull Ups
Friday Oct 8
5×5 Bench Press
After each set of bench
Perform either
30ft HS Walk
2 Wall Walks
30 Sec HS Hold
practice getting upside down
30 seconds of box push ups
3 Rounds For Time
Row 500m
12 Deadlifts use your bodyweight
21 Box Jumps (24”/20”)